Carpentry Craft \ Kbh

An exhibition blending tradition and craftmanship with innovation and authenticity.
Opening hours:
June 12 – 10.00-17.00
June 13 – 10.00-20.00
June 14 – 10.00-16.00
12-14 of June 2024
Moltkes Palæ
Dronningens Tværgade 2
1302 København K

Meet the artisans. Feel Inspired.

An exhibition blending tradition and craftsmanship with innovation and authenticity.

Danish design owes a great debt to the Copenhagen Carpenters’ Guild, Københavns Snedkerlaug, founded in 1554, which, even after 468 years, keeps supporting local craft based on the pillars of longevity, local production, hand-craft, and technology. Its annual exhibitions have launched the pantheon careers of Danish designers.

For the first time, Københavns Snedkerlaug will be part of 3 days of design, showing the work of small local and more established makers.

Danish design owes a great debt to the Copenhagen Carpenters’ Guild, Københavns Snedkerlaug, founded in 1554 and still, after 468 years, supporting local craft based on the pillars of longevity, local production, hand-craft and technology. Its annual exhibitions have launched the careers of the pantheon of Danish designers.

For the first time, Københavns Snedkerlaug will be part of 3daysofdesign, showing work from small local and more established makers.



Showcased artisans


Daddy in Space ApS

Daddy in Space, et kreativt snedkerværksted beliggende i hjertet af Storkøbenhavn. Vi er et dedikeret team af passionerede håndværkere, der sammen skaber unikke og skræddersyede løsninger inden for snedkerarbejde. Vores kompetencer spænder bredt, fra traditionelle snedkerteknikker til moderne design og innovative løsninger, altid med et skarpt øje for detaljen og servicen.Hos Daddy in Space er ansvar for vores samfund og en god oplevelse en kerneværdi. Vi vælger nøje vores materialer og arbejder med omtanke for miljøet, for at skabe holdbare og smukke produkter, der holder i generationer – Åben kommunikation og tæt samarbejde med vores kunder er fundamentet for vores arbejde, og vi stræber altid efter at imødekomme dine unikke behov og ønsker.

Christian Troels

Mit navn er Christian Troels. I mit daglige virke som industriel designer hjælper jeg danske og udenlandske virksomheder med at skabe en bred vifte af interiørprodukter. I mit design stræber jeg altid efter en høj æstetik og en kvalitet, som gør mine produkter langtidsholdbare.Som designer og håndværker er jeg altid motiveret for at arbejde med nye materialer og udvide min værktøjskasse. Med den her stol har jeg kastet mig ud i at arbejde med finér, og formmæssigt har jeg ønsket at skabe en silhouet, som er let at afkode – men med en detaljerigdom, som forhåbentlig vækker nysgerrighed hos modtageren.

Jonathän Jouan Studios

I grew up in the idyllic French Breton countryside, inspired by local folklore and global tales, especially Japanese narratives. My passion led me to study Art History, but I found it incomplete. Seeking more, I moved to Montreal and enrolled in the School of Art Cabinetmaking (EEAM), where I discovered a love for transforming materials, particularly wood.In 2017, I founded Jonathän Jouan Studios, creating meticulously designed furniture and objects with various cabinetmaking techniques. Self-learning, such as straw marquetry, expanded my skills. After graduating in 2020, I moved to Copenhagen to refine my techniques and artistic style, symbolizing my commitment to artistic evolution while still focusing on mythology and folklore for my conceptual pieces.General approach about my work :As an artisan specializing in art furniture and the intricate technique of straw marquetry, I infuse vitality into my creations, accentuating the meticulous craftsmanship and finesse inherent in both straw marquetry and woodwork. Within my artistic endeavors focused on crafting ornamental pieces and furniture, I prioritize not only the visual appeal but also the experiential aspect for the user. My pieces are designed not solely for functionality and convenience but also to inspire moments of spiritual contemplation and engagement during interaction.Deeply influenced by Eastern philosophies, particularly the Japanese ethos, where ordinary acts of daily life are transformed into sacred rituals akin to the tea ceremony, I am presently immersed in exploring the ethereal domain. This journey finds expression through my reinterpretation of folklore, nostalgic recollections, and timeless narratives shared around hearths. My artistic pursuit transcends the physical realm, aspiring to evoke intangible and spiritual encounters.My current ornamental series delves into the enigmatic territory of the unseen future. Inspired by the pioneering research of Edward A.D. Mitchell, a soil specialist exploring microorganisms and amoebas, I have woven a narrative that unveils a speculative tale of a voyager journeying through an exhibition of macroorganisms, descendants of today’s amoebas. Set in an ambiguous time and place, this tale reflects the culmination of societal choices. The works I have crafted represent these organisms, ensnared by unique means, displayed for all to observe and contemplate.

Barlsby + Carlsson

Vi er en modernet snedker/design virksomhed, med focus på inventar og indretnings arbejde indenfor: retail, uddannelsesinstitutioner, kontor mv.

Blinkenberg Møbelsnedkeri

Vi arbejder dagligt i træ og når vi kombinerer med andre materialer er det oftest med metal af forskellig art, vi er blevet opmærksomme på glas i forbindelse med en bestillings opgave og er begejstrede for dets muligheder som andet end en lodret front i en låge.Udover opbevaring har vi lavet en montre inspireret fra museums verdenen til at vise et emne man er særlig glad for og dette behov er opstået ud fra et personligt behov. Dimension og konstruktion er bevidst valgt ud fra at man faktisk kan sidde på møblet, og farveholdningen er inspireret af vores tip oldefar, Søren Willadsen tidligere møbler.

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Carpentry Craft / Kbh
Moltkes Palæ
Dronningens Tværgade 2
1302 Copenhagen

Opening hours:
June 12 – 10.00-17.00
June 13 – 10.00-20.00
June 14 – 10.00-17.00