Carpentry Craft \ Kbh

An exhibition blending tradition and craftmanship with innovation and authenticity.
Opening hours:
June 12 – 10.00-17.00
June 13 – 10.00-20.00
June 14 – 10.00-16.00
12-14 of June 2024
Moltkes Palæ
Dronningens Tværgade 2
1302 København K

Meet the artisans. Feel Inspired.

An exhibition blending tradition and craftsmanship with innovation and authenticity.

Danish design owes a great debt to the Copenhagen Carpenters’ Guild, Københavns Snedkerlaug, founded in 1554, which, even after 468 years, keeps supporting local craft based on the pillars of longevity, local production, hand-craft, and technology. Its annual exhibitions have launched the pantheon careers of Danish designers.

For the first time, Københavns Snedkerlaug will be part of 3 days of design, showing the work of small local and more established makers.

Danish design owes a great debt to the Copenhagen Carpenters’ Guild, Københavns Snedkerlaug, founded in 1554 and still, after 468 years, supporting local craft based on the pillars of longevity, local production, hand-craft and technology. Its annual exhibitions have launched the careers of the pantheon of Danish designers.

For the first time, Københavns Snedkerlaug will be part of 3daysofdesign, showing work from small local and more established makers.



Showcased artisans


Gert Nielsen

Haute couture møbler & Eklektisk dekorLidt om hvem vi er.Vi skaber morgendagens arvegods i dag som unikt design. Udtænkt af vores unikke kunder og designere der først og fremmest tør drømme. Og derefter tage et skridt for at starte en rejse med vores designteam, for at visualisere deres drøm.En drøm derefter udformet med kærlig omhu, af vores exceptionelt dygtige kunsthåndværkere. Som gør en drøm til virkelighed. Klar til at blive delt og nydt med dem, der er allerkæreste for dig. Således det med tiden bliver morgendagens arvegods, for fremtidige generationer. Vores signaturkollektioner kan inspirere dig til måske at tænke på ting og tanker, du endnu ikke har tænkt eller overvejet.Vi tror på, at du vil nyde rejsen og eventyret undervejs, samtidigt blive mere fortrolig med vores respekt for kulturarv, design og håndværk, udført exceptionelt dygtige kunsthåndværkere.Da disse værdier er en del af den kærlige omhu i hvert enkelt stykke kunsthåndværk, vi udarbejder.Holdbarhed, bæredygtighed og arvegods Få dine drømme til at blive enestående håndværk, i rene naturlige træmaterialer, som har en yderst positiv CO2 indvirkning på vores planet.Når deres drøm er skabt med kærlig omhu, dukker muligheden for at deres stykke kunsthåndværk holder i årtier eller måske århundreder. Forudsat at den værdsættes med stor kærlighed og omhu over tid.En haute couture skabelse bliver til et skattet stykke arvegods, for deres børn eller børnebørn.

Solrød Møbelsnedkeri

TRADITIONELT DANSK HÅNDVÆRK SIDEN 1952Solrød MøbelsnedkeriI 1952 blev Solrød Møbelsnedkeri grundlagt af Thorkild Larsen og har siden leveret møbelfremstilling i høj kvalitet.I 1982 overtog sønnen, Steen Larsen, møbelsnedkeriet og fortsatte med samme høje kvalitet. Dette er altid sket i tæt samarbejde med arkitekter og kunder ligesom det sker i dag.​I dag bygger Solrød Møbelsnedkeri stadigt på klassiske håndværkstraditioner. I en tid med masseproduktion og fuldautomatiserede fabrikshaller, vil vi gerne være undtagelsen.Vi producerer bl.a. specialinventar, skranker og butiksinventar efter vores kunders ønsker.Derfor er vores ambition at blive endnu bedre, frem for endnu større.

Raaschou Inventarsnedkeri A/S

Together with the customer, Raaschou makes the idea, and design possible. With mutual trust, we succeed with the best solution in high-quality and with carefully selected materials.Our skilled and committed carpenters always solve the task by combining the latest technology with the traditional craftsmanship at our 8000 m2 workshop in Skovlunde – at Raaschou no task is too simple or complex.We are proud of the carpentry profession in Denmark and we aim to lead and take responsibility for the education and development of the current and future generations.

Louv Snedkeri

Louv Snedkeri – a family-run business with a strong tradition of crafting high-quality wooden products. Since 1884, our company has been owned by the same family, and today we are in the 4th generation of joiners. Our expertise in design and production extends from furniture and doors to shelving and kitchen fittings. We are known for our attention to detail, creative approach to the tasks and careful craftsmanship that results in beautiful and durable products that last for generations. We combine the best aspects of traditional craftsmanship with modern technology and invest in 5-axis CNC machining, which allows us to produce advanced and unique wood products. In addition to traditional wooden products such as furniture and doors, we can also produce custom-made furniture solutions and kitchens with incredible precision and detail. Our focus on both aesthetics and functionality ensures that our products are beautiful, durable and practical at the same time.

Malte Gormsen ApS

Malte Gormsen Møbelsnedkeri was born out of a desire to create and craft. Since 1999 they have made bespoke cabinetmaker solutions and furniture embedded in a set of values with a deep-seated respect for the world and its existing structures. The list of clients includes restaurants, retailers, hotels, and private customers across the world, including renowned restaurants Noma and Geranium. Malte Gormsen Kollektion is their furniture collection where they work with designers such as Space Copenhagen, Norm Architects and Nanna Ditzel.

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Carpentry Craft / Kbh
Moltkes Palæ
Dronningens Tværgade 2
1302 Copenhagen

Opening hours:
June 12 – 10.00-17.00
June 13 – 10.00-20.00
June 14 – 10.00-17.00